Switching email accounts

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Geek alert - skip this post if you're not interested in the sorted details of how to 'downsize' from a Web hosted Blog to a free one (like this on on Blogger) and switch your email accounts without losing any emails in the process.

Since I haven't posted anything to my old blog in a long time--ok probably since the Divorce (hmmm, wonder if there is a correlation here?) and my Web hosting renewal is coming up again (pretty pricey, especially if you're only using the email part0, I thought I'd take a long, hard look at what I have and how I can streamline everything.
This is nothing against the Web hosting company, I just didn't have a need for the heavy-duty Wordpress maintained (with plug-ins, admin dashboard, etc.) Website services anymore. And, since my domain names (I have a couple) came up for renewal, I noticed that the company I use for that (hover.com) also offered a couple of simple email hosting options--yay!
So, while I'm not quite finished yet, I'm still working on the correct sequence of what to turn off first and when to turn over what, I think it's going to be pretty straight forward and a heck of a lot cheaper.
For this Blog, I decided to not stick with the old Cards and Doodles domain name and Blog, and just retire that and start a new one -- like really starting fresh this time (on my own, you know?) and I registered the domain name for Janettes Art Mood <dot> com and one email--that should be just about right.
We shall see...